Displacement Activity

Here is the new printer. It came down to a choice between Canon and Hewlett Packard. I chose the hp as two printer whizz kids in two different stores recommended it mainly for the fact that the inks cost less than the Canon inks. (Thanks to PaulaJ for suggesting I consider ink prices) and a slightly faster print time.

The dreaded next step is to wirelessly connect it to the laptop. Even though I know I will be able to follow the onscreen directions I really would rather not and could easily leave getting down to doing it for quite some time...

The displacement activity is blipping, then I really must do some serious reading, then perhaps I'll find something else which really must be done. Or I might surprise myself and just do it.

Have a good week Everyone.

I did it!! At one confusing point I rang my friend Ant, but his main function was to keep me calm whilst I followed, out loud, the onscreen instructions.
I am well chuffed with myself!!

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