Pugin's Gem

A real departure from my usual photos. But this is a special day - 730 blips!!

I'm not keen on photographing interiors - I'm not confident with the correct lighting, perspective, etc.... and  this shot isn't one of my best, as I only had a few minutes before a service was about to start.

But I've meant to visit this church for ages. It's St Giles Catholic Church in Cheadle, Staffordshire. It's a short drive from where I live and was well worth the trip. I'll be going back to take my other half at some point, as he would like to see it too.

It was built by Pugin who also built that other not so well known place - The Houses of Parliament in London.

In spite of the recent changes to blip, which have taken some getting use to, I'm staying put. For me it's a perfect way of recording my days, pushing me to keeping taking photos and improving (I hope?), and as always the added bonus of all you fellow blippers.

Thanks to those who take a peek at my journal and engage in the sporadic exchanges I can usually muster. I endeavour to be a bit more active in these exchanges but it's not always possible.

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