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By tralala

I'm home

These are some of our Christmas decorations which will come down tomorrow. I am so happy to be home. I'm in some pain, I'm pretty weak and anaemic, and need help getting about but I am so happy to be home!
If you don't want the gory details, look away now! I've had a hysterectomy after a series of sudden, massive bleeds that have put me in hospital on and off since December 20. I was very lucky to have surgery so quickly because it's unusual to do a hysterectomy that urgently, they usually try other things to stop the bleeding and put you on the waiting list (4 months) or the urgent list (3 months).
I had been hoping for keyhole surgery but it wasn't possible and so I have a big incision, hence the not getting around easily as my stomach muscles need to heal. They found I had also bled into my abdomen, which accounted for the terrible pain. The theory is that all this has been caused by a complication I had when I had my daughter five and a half years ago, but they will test to be sure.
I had a bit of a reaction to the morphine post-op which meant I had a horrible night where I felt so ill I was sure something had gone wrong and I had no sleep. I was in a lot of pain but didn't want any more morphine so only had pills to control the pain. Anyway, the worst is all behind me and I can concentrate on getting well. The nurses and doctors were all fabulous but did I mention I am soooo happy to be home!

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