
By Farmerboab

Angelic smile

Mrs Farmerboab back to work today,amidst much grumbling. Juniors not back to school till tomorrow though,so took Littlemiss with me to the market. If I had left her with her brother all day I think there may have been a murder! Was good company,but think Patch had her nose  put out of joint when made to sit in the back of the Land Rover.
A pile of emails and phone messages  to sort when I got back - you would thing everyone was back to work today or something.
The Christmas tree has been ripped down tonight and all the baubles packed away for another year. This angel was made by Mrs Farmerboab years ago,for a Young Farmers competition. It now has pride of place on our tree every year. All that is left now is to hoover up the trail of needles from the living room to the door !

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