On the twelfth day of Christmas...

...my true love gave to me,
Twelve bottles for recycling,
Eleven Santas ho-ho-hoing,
Ten red bonnets bobbing,
Nine wagons waiting,
Eight baubles glistening,
Seven corks a popping,
Six flames a flickering,
Minus five°C golden chocs,
Four frosty blips,
Three Danish danglers,
Two Christmas reindeer,

And a new star to hang upon the tree!

A quick dash into Bath this morning to run a few errands. I was surprised how quiet the shops were, no queues of shoppers returning unwanted Christmas goods (just me!). In fact the only place I had to queue was at the bank (full of people probably paying off their Christmas credit card bill, like me!!).

Wandering around town this morning, I hunted high and low for a collection of twelve, but all to no avail. So instead you have twelve bottles from our Christmas festivities, waiting to be recycled. I should add that these are just 12 of the 48 bottles that will go out tomorrow. Don't worry, they weren't all wine bottles; there were also Beer, Whisky, Sherry, Pineau, Baileys, Port and Tequilla bottles! It's been a good Christmas!! Happy Twelfth Day of Christmas to you!!!

(As it's Twelfth Night today, this is your last chance to sing my song along with me! Sing up nice and loudly please so I can hear you!!)

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