
By AussieinOz

Where Christmas trees go to die ...

During December and in the first days of 2015 I have enjoyed catching a glimpse of decorated and lit Christmas trees through apartment windows as I wander Prague's streets. Before Christmas a few markets pop up selling real trees. The scent of pine is delightful. Families carefully select and buy their trees and take care decorating them. Most families decorate the trees on the morning of Christmas Eve. After the traditional Christmas meal, children are usually sent away to play and Ježíšek brings the presents. 

A few days later and the trees are dismantled. This morning, walking to the metro, I saw this dejected pile of sad, lonely, discarded Christmas trees. I always love to see them when they're decorated, but now I am thinking of what happens next ... 

On a positive note, they are trees and not puppies :)) 

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