
By Shamrock6

Back at it

I took some pictures of the moon this morning (sparrow-fart time) but my phone isn't clever enough to do it justice.
Back to work today- 5am felt like being hit on the head with something large.....a house brick maybe. Same old same old at work.
This was the scene everywhere I went......people complaining that they didn't fit their clothes, they had brought in their excess chocolates n proceeded to shovel it down their necks. I resisted all temptation!
Been for a quick run tonight too.
R has been off today- still suffering- must be bad if he isn't moving about much.
I am very very very saddened to hear IndigoPurple will not be about much on Blip- I really think the site should revert back to the grey screen with white lettering- so much easier to see, read and use.

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