Seeing things

By Miralgato

The return of the white dove

 I found this little fellow huddled on the ground in the corner of  a stairway in the village about three weeks ago and brought it home, fed it, watered it, etc. I couldn't decide whether it was injured and apathetic or just tame because it had been someone's pet.. After a few days I decided it looked much better so I left the box open on top of the chicken coop, thinking that if it was wild, it would seize the opportunity and fly away and if not I'd have to think of a plan B.. I then came inside and was working on the computer when I heard a rather loud fluttering and scrabbling. Looking through the window I saw my neighbour's cat disappearing over the fence with the dove in her mouth, still flapping its wing. I raced out and yelled at the cat, threw things at it over the fence and finally it let it go. It flew up into a tree and then disappeared. I didn't know whether it would survive on it's own and we've had a very cold spell, but then I saw it again today so it's evidently been able to fend for itself and survive the cold.

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