Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Winter Walk

Finally, good enough weather to let us get out for a walk. Cold but sunny and the ground was frosty underfoot, just perfect. We walked from the house, across the golf course and on to the new Bogie Line. Conor did brilliantly, he walked all that way practically unaided, I just had to lift him (complaining) over some frozen puddles. As we walked past the woods, I asked him if he could see the Gruffalo and then of course he wanted to go into the trees. He was too tired to do the home leg, so he went in the bush baby.

As we were walking home Orla started sticking her thumb out and closing her eyes. She was testing out parallax and told us that it's a way of measuring how far away stars are from Earth. So we spent the rest if the walk talking about parallax :)

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