
Alex and I Christmas shopped today. His car is still in Hull so I played chauffeur...unfortunatly for him though, he had to spend the day with me - which I got the distinct impression was less than ideal.
I listened with interest at his travel tales but he seemed to remain disagreeable with me and spent a good portion of what would normally be an exciting time, being kind of grumpy.
I couldn't understand why and it was again a shame to see him like this, knowing how much he loves the season.
His "drug downer" seemed to continue and no smile could be raised out of him. I wasn't sure if it was in fact my company that was doing this to him & at times I did feel a little uncomfortable.
More perplexeing was that he bought me gifts from his trip - all the types of things he knows that I love & normally seek out when we've been away together in the past.
It was very thoughtful of him to take the time to find these items for me.

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