January Challenge Week 1

Had a doctors appointment this afternoon - to get the results of the X Ray I had a few weeks ago.  Didn't really take everything in but basically I have degeneration of hips and spine - mainly spine.  Doctor was going to print out the details but her printer wasn't working.  I will go back to reception in the next few days to pick up the print out.  Will need it to show the physio when I go next week. Nothing much can be done apart from painkillers/steroid injections but at the moment I don't need either.

After the doctors I did a bit of shopping in the village.  I bought a new bag and a soft toy in the Oxfam shop. It was really mild today so I took a detour through the park on my way home to enjoy the nice weather.

Went to my Slimming World meeting at 5pm.  The place was packed - lots of new members.  Always is after Christmas/ New Year.  Its the time when folk realise they need to lose weight.  I was not surprised to have gained 2½ pounds this week considering all the chocs, cake, crisps, fish and chips etc that I ate recently.  However I am back on track now and hope to lose a pound - or two next week.

I have tried to incorporate 2 challenges in my blip shot today.  The Mono Monday challenge is NEW and the January texture  challenge is FURRY.  So I decided to blip my new furry toy which I bought today.  Its a penguin.  I sat him on the corner of the bath ready to take the shot. As usual Tino decided he had to investigate.  So as he is also furry I figured I would just let him be the star of the show.  The furry penguin is behind Tino.

Steps today - 10,050

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