Today the titmouse deserves...

...a little bit of Blipfoto stardom. After my very cold (actually frigid) and ultra short walk in the park, I came home with lots of pictures. Narrowing them down to eight favorites wasn't easy to do. Then I waffled around back and forth about which one to post for today's blip. I finally chose this little grey and white fellow, although at the last minute I almost switched to this one because he is more colorful. Decisions! Decisions! Choosing a blip is sometimes the most challenging event of my day, although today, there was also cleaning up after yesterday's Christmas undecorating (to vacuum or not to vacuum) and trying to figure out why I cannot access my WordPress blog...a frustration I could do without and still haven't resolved. Hopefully it can be worked out because I am paying them for a domain name, and I want to be able to use it. 

Did I mention that it snowed? Not a lot, but enough to cover the ground. The falling temperature is the big story of the day, which started at about 50 degrees Fahrenheit and has steadily plummeted. Currently it is 11 degrees with a wind chill factor of minus 3. I'm not much for numbers, but that apparently is a 39 degree plummet, and we haven't reached bottom yet. It's a  good thing I ordered those warm leggings to wear under my sweatpants. It will be even better once they get here. I listened all day for the delivery truck driver to toss them on our front steps. Still listening. Guess I can give up for the evening as it's almost 8:30 pm. That's it for now, Blipfriends. If you are in the northern hemisphere, stay warm. Next update coming tomorrow.

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