Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Visit to Nannans

So quite regularly I come to my Nans to spend some time with her and also just to escape from my thoughts. Here is my relaxation nest, where I don't think to deeply and manage to get things done. So when I have loads of coursework or revision to do.. Here is where I come. 
At the moment I am currently on a 'time-out' year at university, and currently unemployed I decided to start and hopefully finish a painting I have had in my room here for at least 2 years!

One of my hundred New Years resolutions is to finish tasks that I haven't completed before starting any new ones.

For example, In my room at my mums theres a massive box absolutely full of items to produce a fantastic scrapbook. Over 2 years I have collected hundreds of photographs, and bits and bobs to make it so special. I am just too lazy to start it.
Although I am not very good at arts and crafts I like to give it a go.

My blip today is of the painting I am doing whilst at my Nans. It is a paint by numbers which is cheating but hey I'm enjoying it. 

Me and my Nan have also had some delicious fish and chips this evening!

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