
By FarmerGirl

Up the pole

We were woken by a 6 magnitude earthquake this morning, centered 10 km deep not far from Arthur's Pass.  The house was swaying for a good 15 seconds; fairly scary stuff for those living closer.  There have been around 70 after shocks during the day.  How on earth there wasn't any damage is beyond me.  Lets hope the earth settles down and the quakes stop sooner rather than later.

We had our power off for a couple of hours this afternoon, while the local lines company came in and tightened up the power lines. There were a total of 4 fellas working; here are two of them up the poles.

Today I made some net curtains for one of our bedrooms.  I wasn't going to do it due to the heat, but decided to put on the air conditioning, get out the sewing machine, and get the job done.  And now they are finished and hung, they look pretty good.

Our new chooks arrived this afternoon.  They are ensconced in their new home for a couple of days.  No doubt they will be the subject of many a photo in the future.

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