The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Not Exactly?

After ten hours at the office of blah blah blah and not one, but two, school band concerts at the end of the day, this image is all I coul muster. A silly and marginal photo taken on the way to one of the concerts. The camera and the internet were foreign concepts today for it was mostly a day of conference rooms and nodding my head and saying "uh huh!" as often and as fervently as I could. I am really hoping they believed me.

And how about this novel time saving idea? Let's do away with the Reply to All button. That will save about four hours a day.

I see the weekend within my grasp and, as of now, no travel is planned for next week. Joyous I am. Perhaps I can even catch up on all of your wonderful journals and actually and adequately say thank you for all the generosity you bestow on me. You will never know how much I appreciate your kindness.

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