Building Site
Today’s picture is of a building site no, actually it is part of our garden. The builder himself and two workers came today. Two of them should have been elsewhere fitting a new kitchen for someone, but she had forgotten to order her new units; how does anyone forget to order their new kitchen?
Today our normal bricklayer continued building walls whilst another worker started on the inside putting in the joists for the floor. The owner himself made a start on sorting out our lower garden where a big hole and a huge pile of rubbish had been left previously. It is already looking much better although it will be a long while before it is back to what it used to be.
It was dull and dreary this morning with some rain, but this did not deter them. One was working in the lower garden, in his cab on the ‘Bobcat’, the other two were able to continue on parts of the rebuilt structure, which were in the dry.
I ordered our new patio doors on Sunday and they wanted to deliver them tomorrow, however, as we knew there was a seven day lead in period, we thought they would not be delivered until next week; the builders are not quite ready for them yet, so they are being delivered next week now instead of tomorrow.
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