In My World

By JoanneInOz

Almost made it to the other side of the river....

Isn't it always the way?

Yesterday, I began taking you on a walk across a pretty footbridge, over the Tweed River, with promises of showing you all the other side of the river today.

Well, guess what happened on the way across the river?

Yet another "blipable" moment!

The boats looked so peaceful on the water, and I can imagine the people aboard them were having a wonderful relaxing time....

I've lost count now of the number of times I've set out to blip one thing, but ended up with another.

Does this happen to others as well, or I am just too easily distracted by movements, sparkles and sounds?

And when I finally made it to the other side of the bridge, it would have been absolutely impossible to take just one photo, to show you the whole area.

It would be mean to ask everyone to wait another day, so I've added a series of photos of the other side of the river here, at my blog, Home-Life-Online.

I hope it was worth the wait.... :)

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