
By Binos

Sunlight on The Mound

Busy training day back at work today...but still a moment free to appreciate the dramatic beauty of The College surrounds. 

This is The Marlborough Mound, found at the  very centre of The College campus. The Mound has been interwoven with local folklore for hundreds of years. The town's motto, Ubi nun serpents ossa Merlini (Where now are the bones of wise Merlin?), echoes the myth that Merlin's bones were buried under the Mound, or Merlin's Barrow.

Although the Mound was the motte on which the keep of Marlborough Castle was built fifty years after the Norman Conquest, the latest research extends its history back by three millennia, showing it was built around 2400BC. As such, it is the second largest neolithic mound in the UK, if not in Europe.

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