Experiment in Progress

Miss E looks at this every day to see if the crystals have grown yet. Nope!
It was hard work getting up this morning. It was dark outside and warm and comfy in bed.
Miss E obviously agreed - she came into the kitchen at 7.50am, shrieked "why do we have to get up so EARLY?" and then curled up in a ball in the middle of the floor.
I felt like agreeing with her and suggesting we all got back into bed and snuggle back to sleep until a more civilised hour!
I spent the day fulfilling my New Year's resolution of getting the house in order. I am determined to get the house sparkly clean and organised. And - most importantly - keep it that way!
The decorations and trees all went away yesterday. Today the kitchen was scrubbed to within an inch of its life. Tomorrow the dining room and the bathroom.
And perhaps the windows!
I have forty eight million pounds worth of cleaning gear to get through!!
Fat Club tonight. I haven't been since December 9th and I was expecting the worst.
Seven pounds on which I was actually really pleased with! Two holidays and Christmas - Almost a month of unrestrained eating!!
Today I hoovered up the last of the Ikea Daim bars, a pork pie, some Nutella on toast and quite a few amaretti biscuits. Amongst other things!!
Back to healthy eating and exercise tomorrow.

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