Empty Chairs at Empty Tables....

...Where my friends will meet no more.

I had a BDO with Carole today. We decided to go to Chorlton as everyone is always telling us how great it is. We had a mooch around the Unicorn Grocery...a wholesale and organic haven and then we met up with Jude for some lunch.

I stupidly chose something with chilli in, which I hate...sigh! We then had wander around the quirky gift shops. There were lots of arty farty things, with arty farty high prices...but nice to look at ha ha ha. 

It was all very trendy, very wine bar, very vegetarian, very organic, very save the world...but very good and we had a great day. I fitted in well as I had my ruck sack, Carole fitted in well as she looked like the 'posh woman who likes to buy organic , darling'. I'm not mocking really, I did love the place and we will be going back. 

BDO...Big Day Out. We do love a jolly jaunt :)

This pic is for Ali x

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