
By jynxNZ

The colours of Shelly Beach

Day off!

Got up at 8.45. My little man had a sleep in, he didn't wake up 'till 9.40. Had breakfast, got ready for a drive.

Hubby took me to Shelly Beach today, it took about 40mins to get there, the storm clouds didn't stop us. It was my first time at the mentioned beach and i was going crazy with the stunning views right in front of me.

My little one got to have a play on the Shelly Beach playground while i was busy taking photos, hubby was watching him :) We were there for about 2 hours just enjoying the stunning view. Saw lots of rainbows on our way home from the beach.

Took tons of photos now we're home and getting a headache from trying to decide which photo to blip :D

I finally, decided which one, and here it is, i want to remember the beautiful colours of the rocks at this beach so i'm blipping this one.

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