Five a Day

Not a bowl of cherries exactly, but certainly a bowl of fruity goodness ensuring some healthy eating.

I had the cheapest ever routine visit to the dentist today, escaping with a charge of £10.60, which meant I could actually pay with cash rather than having to sell off some of the family silver.
There was not a crumb of yesterday's supper found lurking in any crevice and there was no mention of flossing although the word tartar was heard to escape her pursed lips in an unguarded moment. With any luck I am free of long sharp prodding tools for another 6 months.

I fought my way home against gusts of wind that, had I not been built small and solid, might have blown me off my feet.

Because of the wind and forecasted rain, His Lordship stoically decided to forego the debatable pleasures of battling his way across moor and hill and is snugly ensconced with his crossword behind the Door.
I have promised to bake a banana cake for him as soon as I get Blipfoto sorted.
And so, Adios!

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