Since I've been doing blip I tend to notice and log things that I think might come in useful at some point for blip purposes. These teasels were on some waste ground off the side of a dual carriageway. I spotted them way back at the beginning of Autumn and remembered them today because the January Challenge topic is spiky. I set off this morning, park in a very convenient lay-by and with secateurs in hand I gather my props.
Because it's a dual carriageway I have to go to the next roundabout in order to turn round. The next roundabout has five sets of traffic lights on it. This morning every single one was on red. I wasn't in any particular hurry but still....what are the chances?
I'd seen some pictures of teasels made into hedgehogs and decided I'd have a go. I must have spent a good hour playing with scissors, glue, beads, buttons and pins but didn't manage to get anything that even closely resembled a hedgehog. They all looked like teasels with pins stuck in!! I've spared you any images of these sad creatures and gone for the straight teasel image. I think I spent too many hours on blip today.
At the beginning of the week my throat felt like it had one of these things stuck in it. I feel better today :-))
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