Musings of a Mortal

By KennyRiley

A Bunch of Cooks!!

For a couple of years now, the church that I go to have helped out at a night shelter for homeless folk that is run by a Edinburgh based charity. 

From roughly November thru to the end of March, various churches in the city open their doors for the charity to provide a shelter, some warm food and a place to sleep for the many homeless folk that inhabit the city. 

Groups of folk - usually from other churches around Edinburgh, Will lend a hand by cooking a meal for the "service users" (that's the title that they have - for better or worse!!).

Tonight the folk enjoyed...A sumptuous Creamy chicken dish on a bed of rice.....A wonderful macaroni Cheese dish...followed by "Tropical Crumble" smothered in custard!!

It seemed to go down well - many positive comments were received and this is the intrepid band that in co junction with the Full time workers from the Charity, helped to prepare the meal tonight.

We all had great fun...but you do take stock and are thankful for the simple things in life like a roof over your head, clean clothes on your back and a few warm meals a day...something that many of the folk who came into the church tonight don't have.

I hope that they had a peaceful night's sleep and keep safe for another day!

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