
By LuvU2

Happy Birthday my Darling!

This one is dedicated to my dear son (M) MissU2, who celebrates his 15th birthday without us! Eish, he was 32 when he emigrated to Sweden, so you can do the math! Hehe! He told me this afternoon when we were talking on the phone, that he will wash my mouth with soap if I say that ugly number again, so I leave it to you to make the math! :-) 

M, thank you for being such a lovely person and for all the love and joy you brought into our lives, I am so proud to be your mom! You are such a hard working, neat and decent person, we all love you to bits! Enjoy the year to come, it is a great relieve to know that your back operation was a success and that your pain is really subsiding! Enjoy the new 'freedom' to be able to walk long distances without constant pain! LuvvvUToBits!

Ms Peahen and her Chickpeas!  ...... or Peachicks! Whahaha! Just check how they've grown! So gorgeous, M, I am sure you'll love this picture!

'One Year Ago'  -  Tea for Two

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