I don't need roads

By Jazz_Pirate

Hump Day

Yeah I've used another sunrise picture because gosh darn it, it's just so damned pretty. It's like arriving at work and the universe being like yeah you got this come on!
I'm trying to stay uber positive at the minute, 2015 says "fuck you" to being negative, yeah it's only been 7 days and I have my moments when the negative vibe creeps in but, I think I'm still relatively chilled about things. I'ts felt like a more settled day, it's like we all collectively sunk into a routine, yes Christmas is over folks.
This is it may as well get used to it.
The assignment has taken on more of a shape rather than a huge pile of literary nonsense, I'm almost there.... Now, covered in rain sat at the back of a bus I'm on way to pick up a mystery parcel from the post Office Depot. I love surprises I hope it's soemthing awesome.....

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