" CRIMSON SUNRISE " - Dream Theater

Couldn't believe my eyes this morning as I stood with Phoebe first thing as she went about sniffing the back lawn.  As soon as we were back in, I rushed up to Matthew's skylight window to watch as the sun started to rise and illuminate this magnificent sky.  It changed every minute, and I have to be careful of not falling out, especially with the conservatory underneath.

After that the rest of the day was overcast, windy and horrible.  It did stop raining briefly as I walked Phoebe through the town after work.  She was very good and watches me all the time, waiting for clues.

It seemed to take ages in Tesco and I was relieved when we were back home, so was Phoebes.

The Christmas tree is finally packed away, pine bits vacuumed away (for an artificial tree, it was still a mess).  We might have a viewing on Friday afternoon so at least we will look a little tidier.

No time for stain glass today so more to do tomorrow before class on Friday.

Now it's bed time.  Thankyou for all the kind words on yesterday's sun rays, - glad you liked it.

Sleep well dear blip friends, wherever you are and enjoy a new day tomorrow.  Fresh challenges to overcome, well you wouldn't want it to be boring would you?!!  xxxx

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