MWhitham Photos

By MWhitham

Recession. In and out, what's it all about?

Street photography is supposed to reflect the the human condition.

I thought I would try and sum up the way things are at the moment...
I have been meaning to get around to taking a shot of this second-hand shop, that seems to be making the most of the bad times.

The thing is, it is closed most of the time and the irony here is, this shop in Bristol is just across the water from ss Great Britain a marvel and symbol of past age of growth and prosperity.

Has the recession affected you?
Any thoughts?
I think the man's face says it all.

Sorry this is not a cheery Blip today, but I have put a colour Alt Image for yesterday's Blip if you would like to see something brighter.

Anyway hope it's a good weekend for you all.

Alt Image for today

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