Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Drookit in Paisley

In Paisley to meet my brother in law and his friend Dave who are over from Canberra - we had a very very nice Thai meal in Thai Siam on Lawn street (if you are passing!) - just opposite St Mirren's cathedral (you can go light a candle afterwards !).

They have been home for the last few weeks and bravely visited loads of gorgeous places in Scotland despite the rain, they are off to Arran on Sat to hear Mick's sister Linda singing at the folk festival (she's very good - if you are in Arran at the weekend!)

Anyway - we had a few beers at a strange kilty pub in a very very quiet Paisley and reminisced (sp?) about all the great nights out we'd had in the 80's in Shuttle Street.

Sadly the old place is has lost a bit of it's sparkle.

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