
By weewilkie

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Oh would some power the giftie gie us
tae see ourselves as others see us

-To a louse Robert Burns

A fellow Blipper commented the other day about how I love my shadows. What really struck me was that she was absolutely spot on: I do seem to be draw to shadow images and silhouettes. I got a wee fright. Through blip I am probably revealing myself more than I think I am.
I then had a look at my other images, and saw themes of shadow, isolation, blurred images and geometry.
What must others think? I thought to myself.
Well, the more important truth in my guilelessly exposing this bizarre fractured aspect of my inner life is that I started to see how I am portraying myself to others.
In every day life I am a joker. I love to make people laugh. If I met you face to face I'd have you smiling pretty quickly. Yet, when it comes to expressing myself in any artform suddenly this melancholic, isolated, yearning persona reveals itself. My ex-wife used to comment on this very thing all the time. She couldn't understand why my daft everyday side never made its way into my writing.
So, I thought about all this today when I chose another abstract shot, played with the POV and brought out the shadow patterns.
There : another dark image, I thought. I'm giving myself away one photo at a time, and I'm not sure that I quite recognise the truth of the matter.

Onwards !

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