Don't drink and drive!!!

Unless you are drinking "miwk" (milk) of course!!!!

Whenever I venture into the kitchen to 'cook' (loosely speaking!) I'm followed first by Noo, my 'cling on', and then by ZQ, Noo's entertainer!!! It drives me nuts when they are running round my legs screeching! And it always ends in tears!!!

We had a delivery of meat for the freezer today, and Noo was very interested in the box, thermal packaging, and ice packs. I suggested that they leave me in peace take the box into the lounge and use it as a car. Several panic attacks later (involving indelible marker pens and very sharp scissors...) Noo was pushed into the kitchen in his shiny new car!!! It was soon transformed into a house, complete with 'stable' door and plasma screen (not quite!!) TV (portable dvd player......

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