
By Lightfantastic

Gull Gathering

We too have been suffering from this winter cough virus which we seem to have had for a long time and has left us very lethargic and lacking energy. With the sun shining and feeling housebound but not wanting to walk too far in the cold wind we drove over to Maer Lake, a small reserve, to see what bird life was there. You can only observe from the road as it is surrounded by private fields so binocs and long telephoto were the order of the day. After heavy overnight rain the lake not surprisingly was quite full! There were various gulls, a reasonable flock of curlew with a few other smaller waders amongst them, two groups of wigeon and scattered around the fringes a smattering of teal. While we were talking to another spotter a peregrine flew low and fast over us, too quickly too get off a shot. We were disappointed not to see a wider selection of ducks and also golden plover and lapwings. Another day perhaps

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