Forgotten Town

Buxton - its only 30 minutes away but I rarely visit it. Is it because of how many other people visit and I think of it as a bit busy ?

I think its because i just got out of the habit of going into the town and yes it is busy even today but it is worth a visit.

Too cold for walking about much but a nice lunch and a bit of shopping ( another thing i am out the habit of doing!) made it an enjoyable few hours.

Lunch was at and this is the view for just outside the tearoom door - Its the famous Buxton Opera House. Mum has just told me a story from 40 years ago when her and Dad and their best friends battled through the snow to see a play about Wilfred Owen there. When they got inside only a handful of people managed to get there but the performance went on as billed - never forgotten!

I bought a new winter coat as the one I was wearing is almost falling apart and picked up my new lens. This shot was with my phone and then edited on my iPad with Snapseed to make something of it. I checked out the new lens and took some shots but the light was poor then and the results uninspiring so I will try it again tomorrow.

I think will go back to Buxton more regularly this year - I even picked up a loyalty card from the tearoom - I wonder if I will ever get a free coffee ?

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