People on a Bridge

By zerohour


Some of my happiest childhood memories involve two books, my Mom and me, in the kitchen, reading, our pages lit by a green metal fixture hanging from the ceiling. Sometimes we were eating the seeds straight out of a big sunflower between us, fighting over where the "half" line is. Our kitchen was tiny, so was the table, covered by a thick green vinyl table cloth. Fitting two books AND a large sunflower plus a bowl for shells posed a challenge; it was best not to wiggle too much.

Some of the happiest memories I am making now involve books. Sometimes I catch LM reading in his bed, waaay after his lights were supposed to be out. Sometimes HD and I go to bed early, and sit side by side reading our hearts out, sharing the juicy tidbits out loud. And sometimes, on my most favorite days, all three of us get into our bed, and read in one neat row.

Here are my guys, reading their favorite books: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and The Devil in the White City. Disclaimer: candle is for the photograph only; no eyesight is endangered in our daily printed-word appreciation rituals.

(Photo challenge entry; NOVEL)

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