Dreaming of better days

This was a drive by shot on the way home from the fracture clinic. Without actually looking at my arm the doctor heard my tale of AandE and said keep taking the pills and it will get better in time. Clearly I look like I'm coping. So assertiveness skills kicked in and I said that for my peace of mind I would like him to look at it. Some few moments later he says it seems I might have ruptured the tendon and booked me a scan.
I love the NHS but I seriously hope this guy remembers this for a while. Patients shouldn't have to present in agony to be taken seriously.
Heaven knows when I am going to be back at work at this rate.
Placed in perspective by the news that a school friend who I remember as an 18 year old bundle of energy and fun has died.
Today I shall watch only comedy on TV

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