
By mayasc

Seattle Seahawks

Dad and I started the day by heading to the seahawks pro shop so we could buy ourselves some seahawks merchandize ready for the game in the afternoon. We then walked over to pike place market to buy breakfast. We went to piroshky piroshky (a place highly recommended by the Kahns) and ate them in the market looking out over the water. It was then time to go down to the game. As we walked down first more and more seahawks fans started filing into the streets wearing head to toe seahawks gear. Dad and I felt quite underdressed owning only seahawks wooly hats. The game was amazing. Just a big spectacle, the players dancing around the field and the crowd was so so loud. I really do understand this 12th man thing now! The rams had a couple false starts as they couldn't hear their quarterback because of all of the noise! Dad and I also tries corn dogs for the first time, let's just say neither of us will be getting them again, but all about the north american experience eh? The crowd was buzzing all the way through the game and were still all chanting on the streets afterwards. Of course, the seahawks won the game, winning their division and making it through as one of the top seeds in the playoffs! Go hawks! After our fun filled afternoon dad and I had dinner at a Thai place on belltown not too far from our hotel. Then lounged watching terrible american TV for the rest of the evening!

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