
This is Paul, he's a very handy man to know.  Being a Garden Designer he is ideally qualified to tell us the best people to stick a bigger patio on the back of out house. He popped over this evening to have a look at what we want and give us some advice on how to do it (buy all the materials and get two old blokes from the village to sort it out). That's one project for 2015, just need to get it moving now. 
In exchange for this help I gave him some advice on how he can get more traffic to his website, it involves a smartphone with a camera and a twitter account. I really think it will work for him as he's ideally positioned to post a lot of useful and interesting stuff.

Weekend is here and so we'll kick off with a curry, but no Gin, Wine or Beer!!! I have to say 5 days into no booze or carbs and the ounces are falling off (well a couple have drifted away, I suspect they'll be back).

I hope you all have a good weekend and if you need your garden sorting, give Paul a call.

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