Growing old disgracefully


see me?

See the rain? See Glasgow? See ma see me brolly?*. 

This was one of those mornings when I wake thinking how precious time is and savouring the opportunity of another day. These days are always the best. 

To the city this morning to interview some inspirational young people with see me.   It is such as gift as an aged person to meet new young people - they banish any lingering cynicism.  It was the same last night at our local Green Party meeting - such energy, intelligence, commitment. 

Missed my lunch with jettygirl as transport was disrupted by last night's storm.  Comforted myself with a toastie and a coffee and bought myself a new toy.  I fear I am a very unreconstructed Green. 

The trains being cancelled had an intended consequence - I finally finished reading 'The Establishment...' on the bus.  At times it made me feel angry and helpless, at others inspired to do something - just not quite sure what, exactly.  Suggestions welcome. 

* Glasgow humour: See me?  See ma man? See fish?  Ma man'll no eat fish

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