Life and times of us

By Bumpster

AG...20 months!!

Well, its been a while!  

I am finally a lady of leisure as today is the last paid day of a career which has spanned 18 years, seen deployments to Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq, many happy times and also some pretty rubbish ones.  I have had a ball and now I am leaving to be a full time Mum to the three most wonderful, inspiring, infuriating little monkeys in the world.  Following the last couple of months, which have been a bit rubbish as my Godmother's mother and husband have both passed away and as she is in a home my Mum and I have been responsible for the funerals, house clearances and estates, it's been a bit of a baptism of fire but it is nearly all sorted.

Now is the start of the next chapter and I am looking forward to it.

Apart from the sadness of the regular news about innocent people being killed in the name of religion I am at peace, I am happy.

I hope you all are too x

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