The Power Of Positive Thinking

I spotted a fly on the wing outside when I was washing up, the sun was shining and I was hopeful of finding some sort of bug to photograph.

As I sat on the sofa with Jazzy dog drinking my tea I told her that we were going to visualise a black and white striped spider on the brick wall of our most southerly glasshouse. I wrapped myself up, put my kneepads on and off we went. On the way we stopped at a few of our favourite bug haunts. A fat hoverfly was posing nicely on some rusty metal but I failed to capture it.

We had nearly walked the length of the wall when I saw this tiny zebra spider just as I had visualised it. :) My knees are still smarting from the nettles I knelt in to get my shot, in spite of my kneepads. I was delighted to have togged my first 'theatrical jumper' of the season.

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