
By cyclops

More of the same...

Yesterday I blipped a Sleeper that forms part of a rather old fence. Today I stopped at the same spot again, this time with a completely different image in mind.

It was a cloudy morning, but just for a few moments the sun burst through the clouds from its autumnal position near the horizon. The light on the tops of these decaying wooden posts was simply glorious and I couldn't resist. I'm not completely convinced by the composition, but the light only lasted long enough for me to shoot three of four frames, and this was the best.

This seems to be a habit of mine. One day I identify a blip I want to shoot and stop and shoot. Then I shoot a few test frames of other things, one of which I like and becomes my blip for the day. The next day I go back to shoot the original image... and get distracted again, and again. Somehow, I have a blip bank full of these "original ideas" which have never actually been blipped.

I don't know whether I have a bad eye and my original ideas will just never make good photographs, or whether I have a good eye that finds a plethora of interesting subjects wherever I stop...

Here endeth cyclops thought for the day.

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