
A  pair walking along Tahuna beach in Nelson.  I like the way this makes it look as if the beach is nearly deserted, whereas it was actually teeming with people.  Mind you, teeming Nelson style still means that there is literally metres around each family group on the sand and in the water.

We are so fortunate in New Zealand that we have beach space for everyone.  Unless of course you like your beaches so thick with people that you can't walk along the water-line with freedom.

We went up to Nelson today - stops at the market, the cheese shop, the book shop and then at my sister's to meet her new puppy - Daisy the toy poodle cross.  A bit of a difference in size compared with the great dane puppy we met yesterday.  

Then, of course, the beach.  Sebastian doesn't think we've been to Nelson unless we've been to Aunty Leigh's and to the beach.  We were all well slathered in sunblock so there is no sunburn, but we are definitely shattered from the heat.

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