I wanna be the only one...the only one
Last night, at 3.30 am, himself and me were fast asleep; the front door banged and the bang was followed by what sounded like heavy sobs.
I bounced out of bed, threw a towel around myself and threw myself down the stairs screaming "what has happened", as I considered every evil which may have befallen the Toolibelle.
As I reached her, I realised, that it was not sobs, of fear, or sadness, but tears of laughter. As she stood there, in her hotpants and vest top...i realised that she was completely soaking. Totally, from head to foot. She had disembarked from the taxi at the corner, walked three steps and the wind rose, and then the skies opened.
Wearing 6 inch wedges does not make for a sprinter. So a 500 yard walk became a Personal Car Wash. Her make up had been washed off. Her hair was completely soaked. Her wedges were sopping. Her "jacket", if you could call it that", was slung around her dripping bag.
As I began to breath again realising that she was fine - I told her that me and dad thought she was running scared, and upon realising that her dad was awake, she flew up the stairs to have a 3.30 am chat with her dad.
We had promised her breakfast at Lido this morning, because she is going back to Edinburgh tomorrow... And her last words to us as she went to bed was "I didn't drink to much cause I am looking forward to Pancakes".
We all finally managed to get up and we made it down... Its a nice comfy place - and we had pancakes and coffee... and then I decided that a Cosmopolitan would be nice.
12 noon... maybe not the best decision ... It was delicious, but heavens above, I need my bed now.
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