See it, Snap it, Share it

By pplnani

A LIght Lunch

Please don't look too close or on large if you're sensitive or soft like me!!!!
This chap swooped down and caught his lunch right in front of my kitchen window (yuk!!! I was mortified), I quickly turned my head and walked away from the window because I can't bear to watch it. A minute or so later and I couldn't hear any kerfuffle so I snuck back to the window to have a peep. He was just standing on the lawn looking around as if surprised or confused, so believing that the little bird had escaped, I snapped a few shots of him. It wasn't until he flew off with his lunch that I could see he had been standing on it, not a leaf as I had thought. I debated whether to crop out his feet or even not post this at all but I decided it wasn't too gory and he looked so splendid that I would go ahead.........the fact that I had nothing else to blip has got nothing to do with it....honest ;-)))

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