
It's a sign: if the best picture you have is of your child picking their teeth then it's pretty slim pickings. Oh well.

Busy old day today: +1/2 and +1/3 went off to the local parkrun (+1/2 running, +1/3 cheering) then I took +2/3 off to horse riding in the wind and rain. Back for lunch and a visit from Wendy after which +1/2 and Wendy positively skipped off for an afternoon of window shopping and cocktail drinking while the +3s and I stayed in. 

Some playdohing, drawing, computer gaming (online maths games... +2/3's choice) and watching The Lorax passed the time until dinner no problems at all.

A catch up call with James after far too long. I must make more effort to stay in touch with people.

+1/3 helped make the dinner - the knife skills are coming on - various permutations of ice cream for pudding then bath and bed. +3/3 can't say vanilla; it's valina. I used to say parcark instead of carpark apparently.

Music for today: mainly jazz again, but this time somewhat more fusion. Enjoy.

Stumbled across on flickr: one of lrw's flickr images had a comment from Jonathan Charles. A timeless, classic photograph which got me thinking about the sheer number of photos being taken, especially now. I'd read something recently about it being a stupidly huge number. This seems to confirm it's quite a few.

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