2012 in Picture

By VickyLumb84

Happy Birthday Popa Joe x x

Today it's my Dad's Birthday.

I didn't get to see him today otherwise I would have taken a recent picture of him. I decided to dig out one of my favourite old pictures and take one of that instead.

This was taken in 1984 just after I was born. My earliest memories of my Dad are of him drumming along to old records in our attic at our old house.
He played in a band called 'Uncle Albert's Itchy Feet', they were a soul band, I was too young to see them play but I now own the only tape he has of them playing and they were really good.

I called him at work this Morning, and when he answered the phone I burst into a very loud, theatrical version of 'Happy Birthday to you' only to discover that it wasn't him, it was one of his colleagues, and my Dad had taken his students to a building competition in Hull!!!...Highly embarrassing!!! Although it gave all in my office and my dads office a very good laugh.

Happy Birthday Pops, I love thee so x x x

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