This day

By snapper

Its a dog's life!

Late afternoon I went down to Glasgow to meet with the lass whose husband had died relativly young and suddenly last month as I had some good pictures of him I had taken when we were all at uni. I also met with one of my other pals then I went to our family home where our "grown up" ? kids reside. No one home but eventyally got my eldest daughter who said I will be home in a bit. I mooched about the house and just before she came one of her friends who was just passing through called. When daughter came home it transpired she was going to Dumfreis for the night, errant son was working and other daughter away.

I think if there is a defining moment when as a parent you realise your chicklets have grown up then this was mine. I didnt fancy staying the night so I just drove back home but it left me feeling a little melancholic! I suppose what was going on in my head was there was my friend - a widow in her mid 50s though she is coping well, then there was me with my empty nest feeling low, mix all that together and my conclusion was go home and be with chubby hubby and these poorly treated dogs!
BE content with what you have today lest it be taken aay tomorrow

Happy blipping

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