
The Amaryllis I bought before xmas has today started to open another bud - this is the 5th flower. So strong plant!!!

In the middle of cold season - and as we have no fireplace - this flower bud reminds me of a flame of fire. Warms me up... :)

-10c today outdoors, hard wind and snowing. Indoors fortunately +23c, which is nice :) as woolen socks too.

In the news there was a warning of bad contitions on roads today due the snowing. The best driver should take the wheel today - not the worst one - it was hoped by the meteorogists. Therefore my hubby drove us to visit grandmum, as she has her birthday tomorrow.

But we had only some 7cm new snow today. Light frozen snow, which makes it hard to see your way. Only white, white and white on the road...

However I think this would be the best road conditions for my daughter to learn driving. I was hoping she could make a short route on all those thick blankets of snow and give it a try here in silent streets of our suburban area... But she was too busy in some other job. What a pity!


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