Nature Lovers

The Little Misses do love a bit of mud!
Miss E loved her sleepover last night. A very good time was had by all apparently!
Mrs W brought her home before lunch and stayed for a cup of tea and a chat. Miss L enjoyed having her friend Little Miss T here for a bit.
After a very quick lunch we headed off to Waddesdon and had a fabulous afternoon.
The Little Misses spent hours climbing trees, playing in the park, building dens and making an animal house. The picture shows them about halfway through its construction. Miss L was persuaded out of the freezing cold to go and get hot chocolate with Daddy but Miss E is made of sterner stuff and persevered with the construction - complete with drinking ponds, perches for birds, tunnels for insects, ramps for caterpillars to reach the leaves, leaves for mice to nest in and hide from foxes, arches to make it look pretty.  It was ace!!
Then we built a quick den with the logs before I decided enough was enough and heading back to the car to defrost.
Poor Miss E had a bit of a meltdown heading to the bus. She hated her muddy hands, kept trying to lick them clean (eek!), refused to wash them, decided no-one cares about her and bawled the whole way back to the car. Bless her, a bit worn out I think!!
No Broadchurch for us tonight so we caught up on Silent Witness. We're nothing if not fans of crime drama!!

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