
Last night when I got in from the Falmouth District Guiders Night Out, MrRoly asked if I'd turned the alarm off on the freezer begore I'd gone out. I hadn't and it wasn't looking hopeful.

Thus morning we realised it was clearly fatal. I told tge children tgry could have ice cream for breakfast only to find it had completely melted :-(

We salvaged what we could and headed into town to see what we could find. As we walked upto the BHF charity shop - we spotted a giant fridge freezer in the window. When they said they could probably deliver this afternoon, we were sold!

Home to rearrange the existing fridge and deceased freezer in preperation. I suggested we get another tall cupboard so we zoomed to B&Q.

While we awaited the new (to us) fridge/freezer, MrRoly replaced one of our knackered kitchen spot light strips with a new spot light - it's so bright now!!

The F/F arrived and I set to work cleaning it while MrRoly swapped the doors over so it could go by the wall. Except we were missing the bits that we needed do the doors went back on again the same way round.

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